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TADA! Youth Theater: Week-Long Summer Camps

Family Education

NOW – 8/23

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Register today!

15 W 28th Street
2nd & 3rd Floors
New York, NY 10001
Phone: (212)-252-1619

TADA! Youth Theater presents week-long musical theater summer camps where children create and perform a brand new musical every week, all summer long! Summer camps take place from June 17th through August 23rd at TADA! Youth Theater, 15 West 28th Street in Manhattan. Campers will be divided into groups by their ages. Children, ages 4-5, attend 9AM to 1:30PM, and children ages 5-7 and 8-12 attend 9AM – 5PM.

For registration information, please visit here.

TADA! Summer Camp brings young people together to enjoy the magic of musical theater. Each week, students will co-create an original musical based on the assigned show title for the week. They write it, rehearse it and perform it – in just five days! Unleash your inner star, share your voice, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Join us for a week of laughter, creativity, and applause! Don’t miss out on the most epic musical theater adventure of the summer!

Let the storytelling begin and imaginations soar! Musical Theater Minis for ages 4-5; Rising Stars for ages 5-7 and Broadway Bound for ages 8-12.  Campers are given a show title as a jumping off point to co-create their own mini-musical as an ensemble.  Show titles include Born for the Stage!; MEOW-sical!; Don’t keep calm, be DRAMATIC and No Autographs, please!.

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Photo Courtesy of TADA! Youth Theater